Membership – Sept 2011

This month we welcome two Senior members: Maarten Ruiter and Yingjie Zhang, and Alex Huang as a Family member.
If you have been reading our previous newsletters you would have noticed that we are currently reviewing our membership policies.  We have asked for your views and suggestions.  Thank you to a number of people who gave me their valuable comments.  However, I would like to get feedback from everyone please – whether you are a club member or not.  Even just a short message of support or against.


There are two main topics up for discussion:


1. New Members

At the moment, a potential member need to have done three overnight trips with the club prior to joining, two of which have to be tramping/ mountaineering trips.  This is for the benefit of potential new members to see if they like tramping or the activities we offer and to see how the club operates.  Of equal importance is for the club to ensure that the person has a basic understanding to enjoy the outdoors. These pre-membership trips give the opportunity to assist and support new members as required.


As day trips are getting more well-liked by newcomers, and while some can participate mainly day trips due to family, work or other commitments, we are considering changing the criteria on approving new members.  We want to relax the rules so that day walkers will get a chance to become part of the club, one possible change is:


The potential member needs to go on two different trips within a reasonable period, say 3 to 4 months and the total number of days that potential member must be on those trips is three or more days. Therefore, they have a choice of doing just 3x daytrips, or one weekend trip plus one daytrip.  These trips can be any activities we offer – kayaking, cycling, lodge based trip, social trip, working party or instruction course.  Then they will need to have the application form signed by all their trip leaders, seconded by a committee member and approved in the committee meeting; currently approval forms do not need to be signed by trip leaders.


This is just one idea, please tell me what you think!


2. Associate Members

We are looking to propose automatic upgrading Associate members to standard membership after his/her long connection with the club – say 10 years.  This means an Associate member can become a full club member without having to have done three over-night club trips.  So after that period, the Senior (Veteran) and his/ her Associate member partner will become Couple (Veteran Couple) members.  Once upgraded, they will get the same benefits as full members.  This may be a practical way in which to recognize Associate members who have maintained their connection and indicated their commitment to the club.


Current Associate members and their partners have already shown their support, and now I need more support and comments from the rest of the club.


Please let me know what you think

Please note that these topics are still at ‘thinking’ stage of ways to improve our club, therefore any of your comments, suggestions and opinions will be valuable.  Please send these to me by emailing, alternatively you can post them to WTMC, PO Box 5068, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145.  Please send them in before 30 September as these will be up for discussion at our October committee meeting.


Thank you everyone in advance

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