Salaam, I am back from my Moroccan sojourn, thanks for Sue and Marie for holding the presidential reins while I was away. I have got used to the cold temperatures again, but a few weeks away in the Northern Hemisphere summer makes me hope that spring is not too far away for us. Above is a snap from one of the hottest days on my trip, on the Erg Chebbi, near Merzouga.
Winter tramping is a very different beast to summer tramping, and there is nothing quite like walking along a ridge in the snow on a bright blue, clear, crisp day. But the news this week that 2 experienced trampers died between Field and Kime Huts, a route that many of us have travelled, is a sobering reminder of the risks that we take when walking in the NZ outdoors. The club does a number of things to mitigate these risks, training leaders and trampers, always carrying shelter and cookers in case the group does not get to a hut, and having an emergency contact person each weekend. But this recent tragedy also shows that we can never have too much respect for the weather, especially this time of year, and highlights the importance of checking the weather forecast before leaving on your trip, and keeping an eye on it while you are out.
Speaking of training, the AIC and Snowcraft courses that the club has run recently have been very well attended, which is great to see. Particular thanks go to Sharron Came and the other volunteers who helped out with the course.
With the cold weather and the snow comes ski season, and I would encourage you to use the Club’s fantastic lodge at the top of the Bruce Road, just a few minutes walk from the bottom of the Whakapapa chair lift. The lodge is available for members and non-members, at very reasonable rates, contact the Lodge Booking Officer, Brian Goodwin at lodgebookings@wtmc.org.nz, for enquiries. The lounge area of the lodge was recently refurbished by the Ruapehu Lodge Sub-Committee, many thanks for the hard work this team puts in to make the lodge the superb facility it is. The lodge is available all year round, and there are many other things you can do in the Ruapehu area if skiing is not your thing, or the fields are closed.
One of the (many) great things about our club is the number and variety of trips that we run. The next trip planning meeting will be held on Monday July 27 at 6.30 pm at the club rooms. Anyone is welcome to attend this, and you can send your trip ideas to Paul or Craig at chiefguide@wtmc.org.nz.
The club also puts out great publications, the monthly newsletter, and the annual journal. Contributions are always welcomed for both of these at newsletter@wtmc.org.nz or journal@wtmc.org.nz respectively. You don’t have to be a Hemingway or a Tolkien, just have a go!
You can always contact me on president@wtmc.org.nz, or I am usually around on club nights (except during the Film Festival!)