From the Green Crocs – July 2010

In my last column, I mentioned the committee planning day on May 29th, we had a productive morning discussing strategic issues that affect the club. One thing that we decided was that there was not enough visibility around what committee does, so we are taking steps to address that. Committee minutes will be available on the club website under the Downloads section, so you can see what we have been talking about at our meetings. The meetings themselves are open to members, they are generally on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at a committee members house. If you would like to attend a meeting, just let me know. We need to know you are coming, so there are enough chairs 🙂 Note that you will not be able to vote on any motions, but your opinions will be welcome.

We have a couple of General Committee vacancies at the moment, if you are interested in having a voice at committee level, and helping out the club, why not attend a meeting and see if you’d like to join us?

One of the key areas of change we discussed at the planning day was around the website. Mike Gilbert has recently taken over from Shane Connolly as Webmaster, and will be making a number of changes to the website. If you have expertise in this area, and would like to help Mike out, let me or Mike know.

I want to recognise the huge contribution that Shane has made to the club maintaining the website, which is obviously a very important part of the club communications. It is a largely thankless job, which Shane has done efficiently and without complaint for many years. Thanks also to Mike for stepping forward to take over in the role, and make our website even better.

And lastly, in probably the ultimate achievement in mountaineering, Club member Mike Phethean made it to the summit of Mount Everest at 8.30am Sunday May 23rd Nepalese time. Well done Mike, we look forward to hearing about it when you get back to NZ.

You can contact me on, or I am usually around on club nights.

Darren Hammond