From the Green Crocs – May/June 2010

This coming Saturday May 29th, the committee is holding a planning day. Although we meet monthly, we don’t always have time to discuss some of the strategic issues that the club faces. For example, at recent years’ planning days, we have spent time discussing what the club should do around transport. While we do not have any big issues like that this year, there are several areas where we need to make sure we are well focussed going forward. Remember that the committee is working on behalf of you, the members, so if there are things you think we should be looking at, let me know, or anyone else on the committee.

We are always on the lookout for new trip leaders, and to that end, in mid May, the club held a leadership course at Camp Wainui. I hope to see all the people who attended, out (confidently) leading trips over the coming winter and spring. Thanks to Sue Walsh, and her team of helpers for running this course.

The cold wet southerly outside my window today reminds me that winter is nearly upon us, and the ski season is not far off. I would encourage you to use the Club’s fantastic lodge at the top of the Bruce Road, just a few minutes walk from the bottom of the Whakapapa chair lift. The lodge is available for members and non-members, at very reasonable rates, contact the Lodge Booking Officer (, for enquiries. The lodge is available all year round, and there are many other things you can do in the Ruapehu area if skiing is not your thing, or the fields are closed.

Submissions on the governments proposed Schedule 4 stocktake (Mining in National Parks) close on Wednesday May 26th, about the time that you will get this newsletter. On behalf of the club, the committee has made a strong submission against any mining related activities in National Parks, and other wilderness areas. I know that a number of club members have also made submission, let’s hope that the politicians listen!

You can contact me on, or I am usually around on club nights. Darren Hammond

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