I’ve just returned from Easter at the WTMC Lodge. It was a great location for the long weekend and the weather allowed multiple activities. There were five small parties sharing the lodge with us and each had different activities planned which brought home once again what a superb facility our club lodge is. This weekend it was a base for biking adventures along Fishers Track and the Old Coach Road, hiking expeditions to Dome Peak for views of the Crater Lake, Tama Lakes, Taranaki Falls and more besides trail running antics, multiple rounds of Uno and, of course, much tea drinking whilst browsing old WTMC journals. I found a perfect sun-lounger-shaped rock to soak up the Easter Saturday sunshine from on my way back down to the lodge…

Welcome to the WTMC Committee for ’19/20
The AGM took place at the beginning of this month. Many thanks to those of you who came along to support this event and unanimously voted in the new committee. We welcome Tash, Juan, Maj-Britt and George onto the committee this year and say farewell and thank you to Richard, Illona, Rodrigo and Kerry. The first meeting of the new committee is on Wednesday 1st May. As usual, let one of the committee know if you have a proposal you would like us to consider.
For those interested, the correct Financial Statement has now been uploaded to the club website.
Juan has dived straight into his role as Webmaster (or is that Web President?) by migrating the club site to a new host – thanks Juan! For the past few months the website has been really struggling and you might have noticed it crashing frequently. This has been particularly frustrating for people like the Newsletter Editor who have spent many hours uploading photos and trip reports. Hopefully the new site will improve the experience for everyone. Let Juan (webmaster@wtmc.org.nz) know if you spot anything that might not have been successfully migrated.
FMC Elections
FMC are running elections for their new Executive. There are three candidates for Vice President so as a club of 600+ members we get seven votes to cast. Here’s some information about the FMC Vice President Candidates. If you have a view as to who might best represent WTMC’s interests in this role then let Heather know via secretary@wtmc.org.nz. The committee will decide how to cast the clubs votes at our May meeting.
April has been a strong month for upskilling WTMC members with both the Leadership Course and a Swiftwater training day taking place. Thanks to Matt, Megan, Nigel and Kevin who put in the time and effort to organise and run these courses. Building and maintaining our outdoor skills is an important part of keeping ourselves safe while we’re out on trips so these training opportunities are much appreciated.
Volunteers needed
- Leaders for the next schedule
The call for leaders for the next schedule will shortly be in your inbox. Leading trips is a core volunteer role as trips don’t happen without leaders. If you haven’t led a trip before but are interested to know what it involves then talk to Matt (chiefguide@wtmc.org.nz). Co-leading is a good option for those wanting to take the first steps into trip-leading.
- Lodge working party
The next lodge working party is 3rd-5th May. Enthusiasm is the main qualification required…plus you get to spend the weekend on the slopes of the North Island’s highest mountain. Let Brian lodgeconvenor@wtmc.org.nz know if you can help out.
- Applications are currently closed for WTMC Scholarships until we have some more money in the pot. If you have fundraising ideas then let us know.
- Planning for this year’s snowcraft course is well underway. To sign up for the course and receive an application form email snowcraft@wtmc.org.nz
I snuck in a private trip with some WTMC buddies before the end of summer, walking from Makara Beach to Red Rocks via the coast. This was a long day – took us 11 hours to cover the best part of 40km – but a very rewarding journey with some great scrambling, long stretches of shingle beaches and even a bit of swimming. With the exception of a day in the Otaki River learning some swiftwater-related skills, things have been quiet on the tramping front for me this month….but then I am writing this only halfway through the bumper Easter/ANZAC break…stay safe on your adventures over this period!

WTMC President
Hi Allan
The link works correctly for me. The updated document is still marked as ‘draft’ as we get someone else to review the accounts before we finalise them. If you spot something that you think isn’t right then please let treasurer@wtmc.org.nz know.
Hi, link to the financial statements is still linking to the Draft financial statements (which don’t add)