From the President…in January

Happy New Year from WTMC! I hope you’ve had some fun outdoor adventures over the summer so far. There are a few club talks coming up with titles that sound like Christmas adventures – I am looking forward to attending these.


Improving our environmental focus

You might remember Maj-Britt’s talk last year with lots of hints and tips about what to consider if you want to make more environmentally friendly choices relating to your outdoor activities. A brochure summarising the information Maj-Britt shared and links to many other resources is now available on the club website. Check it out and let us know at if you have further ideas to help us get greener.


Shiny new gear

We’ve recently purchased some new canyoning gear, following a proposal put forward by some of the club’s keen canyoners. This gear will be available from the gear room as usual to people joining club canyoning trips over the summer and beyond. The Committee are always happy to receive proposals for things like gear purchases or new initiatives that can benefit of the club. As a volunteer-run club, it takes people stepping forward with ideas and taking the initiative to implement them for these things to happen.


Upcoming training

Round 1 of the Pack-rafting safety course organised by WTMC in October was so successful we’re putting on Round 2 in March. Chief Guide Richard promises the water will be warmer! Contact if you are interested and check out this Wednesday’s talk ‘Learning to paddle a packraft’ if you want a taster from the October course.

There are murmurings that it might be about time for another club-organised Alpine Instruction Course (AIC). This would be for those who’ve built up some snow experience on Alp 1 trips, and already have rock-climbing skills who want to learn alpine rope skills. Talk to Howard S if you have the pre-requisites and would be interested in such a course this coming winter.


Volunteers needed

WTMC is volunteer run so we’re always on the look-out for members to help out with various tasks to keep the club running smoothly. A big thank you to all of you that have helped out last year – your involvement is very much appreciated!

  • FMC Bulletin distribution

Every three months the club receives copies of FMC Backcountry Magazine, which we then distribute to every member household. For the past couple of years Garth, with help from Mark P, has been doing a fantastic job of this envelope-stuffing operation but it’s time for Garth to hang up his postman’s hat on this one. We’re looking for someone to take on this task from the March post-out, which Garth will help with and use as a handover. Let know if you would be willing to help out or catch Garth or Mark at club to find out what’s involved.

  • WTMC Committee 19/20

We’re starting to think about who will make up the committee for the upcoming year, with the rollover happening in April. There are a few people who’ve put in huge contributions over several years who will be stepping down so there’s going to be some opportunities for new faces. We like to have a good mix of people to represent the club, and there are no pre-requisites other than being a member. If you’re interested in joining our committee then talk to any of the current committee members to find out what’s involved. I’m hoping we can prove our status as a “healthy” club again this year by not having to appoint Mr or Mrs Vacant come AGM night.

  • Van cleaners

We’re still needing someone else to help clean one of the club vans – it’s a bit much for Matt to do them both! In case you’re holding back because you’re not sure what’s involved then here’s all there is to it:

  • Check with the transport officer that your van(s) are available to clean by text or email
  • Sweep out vans, along with clear debris. General make sure the inside is tidy.
  • Take the van to the van wash – The Z at Waterloo Quay fits ok with the mirrors in.
  • (Optional) Vacuum inside of the van, makes it look nice but lots of nooks to deal with.
  • Check fuel at the petrol station – it should be fine but ideal time to top up
  • Return the van to location, noting mileage and any other issues (eg lost property, broken things, drives poorly) to report to the transport officer

Just let know if you are keen. Easy As!



  • Subs are due! Members should now have received an email from Jane, the WTMC Membership Officer, asking for payment of 2019 membership fees. If you pay before 1st February, there’s a discount. Paying on time also makes Jane’s job a lot more straightforward.
  • Applications are still open for WTMC Scholarships. Members who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply.
  • Weds 6th February is a Gear Collect/Drop-off Only night between 7 and 7:30pm as it is Waitangi Day.


Over Christmas I managed to dodge the rain for two weeks, including a very hot and sunny few days in the Copland Valley on the West Coast.

Copland River
Copland River

The weather was almost too hot for the Welcome Flats hot pools, and thankfully the sunshine kept the worst of the sandflies at bay! I took some time to explore Molesworth Station, which has more tramping opportunities than I first thought so has given me some ideas for future club trips.

During two weeks of South Island travel I bumped into a good proportion of WTMC, variously stocking up in the supermarket to head into the hills, or feasting and chilling have just come out of the hills. These encounters gave me the warm fuzzies – reminding me of all the cool people who make up WTMC and the myriad adventures we all share either in person or in spirit (aka social media, club talks, trip reports, Hopgarden chat). These ‘WTMC warm fuzzies’ are the main reason I stepped up to join the club committee – I wanted to help keep the WTMC cogs turning so myself and others can keep enjoying the hills in such awesome company.

Keep enjoying summer and check out the new schedule if you haven’t already!


WTMC President

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