Lodge Update – April 2012

You will have received the Ruapehu Lodge Guide for 2012/2013 with this newsletter. If you plan to use the lodge this season it is important that you familiarise yourself with the sheet as a number of major changes are taking place:


  1. New online booking system.
    We are pleased to let everyone know that club has implemented a new booking system which can be accessed online from 1 May. This will enable everyone to do their own bookings with a credit card and, subject to availability, obtain immediate confirmation of the booking.
  2. Dates bookings open for the season.
    Booking dates for the season open 1 May for members. Coincident with the booking system up and running, bookings for members open 1 May for the whole season. This allows everyone to plan ahead. Non-member booking dates open have changed.

    Non-member weekend bookings now open 1 month before each trip runs (with the exception of open weekends). Week bookings for non-members open 1 June. This is to allow non-members more time to plan and organise trips.

  3. Rates.
    The previous High School, Intermediate and Primary rates have been collapsed and consolidated into one youth rate of 4-17 years old. This makes booking easier and aligns well with what everyone else is doing.

    There has also been a slight overall increase in rates this year to cover the hike in our insurance premium and the significant increase in our electricity prices. The food component cost remains the same as last year.


If you have any questions regarding the booking system or anything else to do with the lodge this season, please contact the Ruapehu booking officer by phone: 04 479 6799 or email: lodgebookings@wtmc.org.nz.

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