Murmurings From the Kitchen – July 2011

Kia Ora

Hard to believe July is almost upon us! This is the time of year to be positive about the months ahead. Winter tramping trips can be very spectacular and well worth the effort of getting out there. Even when the trip was not as you either planned or imagined (refer to the Lake Christabel Easy Medium trip report in this edition of the newsletter) its great to be in the outdoors and to be with a group of like minded people.

At the club on Wednesdays in July …
Kevin Cole will return on July 20th to talk about some of the kayak trips he has been on. I warn you I may feature in some of the photos but I’m hoping this won’t be too bad and I’m sure you will enjoy the evening anyway.

Jonathan Kennett, who has written several books on tracks around New Zealand and has been involved in developing tracks for mountain biking, will be at club on July 27th.  Come along and find out more about Jonathan Kennett’s latest book, giving plenty of ideas for trips of all sorts in our backyard.

July is your chance to get involved in the club as we have some spaces available to give presentations. If you would like to help please contact me on

Thanks heaps to all those helpers who offer their time on the door and greet everyone with their friendly faces.  It’s a really important role especially for the handful of first timers who come every week – it is scary walking into a hall full of strangers.  Remember the club only runs due to all the volunteering and it wouldn’t work without you!   We are always looking for helpers for the door and for anyone who is interested in helping see Megan at club or email

Lastly I would like to take the opportunity (if not done already) to Congratulate Ian Harrison who won the Flora and Fauna category in the FMC Photo Competition and also took out the runner up award as well. This was with the photo of the spoonbill which won him both the people’s choice and the Judges choice award in our own Competition earlier in the year. Well done Ian – I knew you would do well!

Thanks again and remember we are always looking for presenters and ideas for presentation if you don’t feel confident to give the talk. Talk to either Jenny or myself on Wednesday nights or email us.

– Donna Maher and Jenny Beaumont, WTMC Social Convenors

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