Over a cuppa – February 2015

Hi folks,

I hope you are enjoying this lovely summer weather, having lots of adventures that you can then come and tell us about at club!  While I wait for my email to run hot with lots of offers…we have the following presentations coming up.

Josh T will talk about when to use a PLB – a case study from the Tararua’s.  Josh’s presentation is on 4 March and will be very interesting to hear what he says – don’t miss this.

11 March Megan Sety will be taking us to Fiordland and the Darran Mountains for the highlights of 3 short reccy trips seeking alpine climbs soon to be on the trip schedule

18 March has me in the presenters seat telling you about my recent trip to Stewart Island and some feathery friends I got to meet.

25 March is one of our not-to-be-missed nights…..our annual photo competition.  Come along and feast your eyes on the works of our very talented photographers.  There might also be a treat for supper as well.

I’m currently juggling presenters for 1 April as the date for the AGM has changed to 8 April. I’ll post an update on the forum when the speaker is confirmed for this night.

8 April – it’s our AGM, please do come along to this rather than giving yourself the night off.  The AGM and voting in of the new committee is really important and your support is massively welcomed – so I’ll see you in the club rooms for this!

I’m standing down from being the Social Convenor after having done this for over two years, and, once and for all, from committee.  I’ve really enjoyed the role and hosting the meetings.  It’s quite a buzz to see all the faces that come along.  But, it’s time for a fresh face and fresh perspective so I’m looking for someone who likes to make noise, who is comfortable standing in front of a group of people, and can make a mean pot of tea, as well as twist arms to get presenters.  If you’re interested in this role do contact me at social@wtmc.org.nz and we can have a chat about it.

See you in the clubrooms!

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