Over a Cuppa – March 2015

Easter is just around the corner and I know some of you will be embarking on adventures.  It would be wonderful if you could share them with us one Wednesday night (hint hint!)  as there are some gaps in May just waiting for you to take them!  In the meantime we have:

  • April 1st – this will be a gear night only, so no cups of tea or biscuits
  • April 8th – our AGM!  Please do come along to this as it is an important night for us.  If you’re interested in being bribed there will be some Easter Eggs to tempt your taste buds!
  • April 15th has Pete G taking us on a trip he did down and along the mighty Clarence.  If you’re not sure where, or maybe what it is, you’ll have to come along to find out!
  • April 29th Amelia and Mark will talk to us about a recent trip they did down to the Caitlins and Stewart Island, but with a slight difference.  This area is spectacular so mark it in your diaries, and if you’re interested in what our families get up to, this is one for you too.
  • April 29th is waiting for a speaker so please yell out if you can help – social@wtmc.org.nz

See you down at the Club rooms!

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