We’ve had a great turnout on a Wednesday club night this last month, it’s been good to see so many of you. More interesting talks coming up in June so I look forward to seeing you there!
6th June – Maarten Ruiter will tell us about a Taihape-Kaweka cycle/tramp with the club
13th June – Ian Harrison and Megan Banks will tell us about their recent adventures on
Codfish Island where they volunteered with the Kakapo recovery project.
20th June – Higgins Surprise! Come and hear about some of Allen and Sue’s local
tramping adventures.
27th June – An evening of short talks. So far we have a mountain biking trip and a
tramping trip. Let me know if you’d like to join in with a short talk.
If you’d like to join in the evening of short talks, or would like to show us some slides/tell us about an adventure on a club night in July please get in touch. Find me on a Wednesday evening at club or email social@wtmc.org.nz
Happy tramping!