WTMC Social nights are in full swing with a range of members talking about trips around New Zealand and overseas, along with a wide range of guest speakers. Don’t forget you can always check the club’s website for the latest club night schedule (and often see what’s scheduled months in advance!).
23 March 2016 – Tramping in Norway: WTMC members Paul Cristoffel and Sharon Branford will be talking about their adventures tramping in Norway.
30 March 2016 – Soloing the Five Passes and other Shenanigans: WTMC club member Andrei Zubkov lined up three back-to-back solo tramps over Christmas and New Year with just one day in between for transport and repack.
6 April 2016 – Perfect Weather on the Routeburn! This past Christmas saw one of the hottest and driest spells in years. WTMC member Amelia White and friend Laurie had the lucky opportunity to walk the Routeburn during the perfect conditions.
13 April 2016 – WTMC AGM: Get the agenda, annual report and other details.
20 April 2016 – Cycling the length of Aoteora in 30 days! My first cycle tour… : WTMC member Henry Fisher decided on his first cycle tour he would cycle from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island in 30 days as part of the …. challenge. He’s on the road right now and you can read all about it and then come along to hear his talk. Henry is taking advantage of his cycling fame to promote and raise money for Kaibosh.
Are you a tramping socialite?
I’m on the hunt for a replacement. I’m happy to help track down inventive and interesting speakers, as well as contribute to the annual bake off (who wouldn’t support organising something that offers free home baked food)! If you might be interested, or want to nominate a friend, drop me a line at social@wtmc.org.nz or just say hi at a club night.
Remember, club now starts 30 minutes earlier with doors opening at 7pm and club talks starting at 7:30pm.