Be aware. Consider … Environmentally Conscious Tramping brochure
By Maj-Britt Engelhardt
I’m passionate about tramping and nature (mountains, trees, flowers, birds, etc) but have struggled to find useful information to help me make better environmental decisions when tramping.
At my 2018 club talk on Environmentally Conscious Tramping I realised others had the same problem when they asked for copies of my presentation, the origin of this brochure.
Environmental tramping brochure_Final
When researching the talk, there was a lot online about ‘Leave no trace’ (important, and covered in the brochure) but little broader consolidated information. I also discovered that environmentally it’s not just what I do when tramping that matters but also my choices before and after trips, for example, about gear, travel, food, coffee and sunscreen.
The brochure was developed to help share what I learnt and to save others also having to dig around. It is not meant to be çlub ‘rules’ or to convert trampers into avid greenies. Instead, it’s intended to help people make environmentally conscious choices and changes that are realistic, regardless of how small, and what they’re doing now.
This is just a first version of hopefully an ongoing useful tramping resource. If there’s more to add, or something that’s wrong or a better choice, email Also, let us know your experience if you use it. Happy tramping.
You can also find the brochure on the Club website under the Newsletter/Other publications tabs.