March seems to have been a sunny month with lots of good weather for getting out on adventures – I hope everyone has been enjoying their fair share of these. March is also the last month in our WTMC year so I’d like to thank everyone who has given their time and energy to keep the club running over the past year.
AGM – 3rd April 2019
The Annual Report and Financial Statement are now available on the club website if you’d like to take a look before the AGM on Wednesday. The AGM will start at 7:30pm sharp on Wednesday 3rd April at the TTC Hall, Moncrieff Street.
We’ll keep it short because the main event for the evening is Cindy and Yenfei talking about their recent Aorangi Crossing trips.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Only a fool breaks the two second rule
Look out for the new stickers on the van dashboards reminding drivers to leave a safe distance between the vehicle in front. And remember even more space is needed in poor conditions. Here’s a reminder about our expectations of club van drivers – the drive to a road end can be the most dangerous part of our trips so we take van safety seriously.

Maintenance @ Maungahuka
Thanks to Caryl and Mike who recently ran a trip to Maungahuka Hut to fulfil our club duties to keep it sparkling. We have an agreement with DoC to look after both Maungahuka Hut and Mountain House shelter. Maungahuka isn’t the easiest place to get to, but it’s a wonderful spot and even better if you combine it with ‘tramping with a purpose’ to do a bit of cleaning while there. Look out for more of these maintenance trips on the schedule!
History & Art
Until 31st March there’s an exhibition at the Wellington Museum about the Tararua Ranges which includes a ‘WTMC Collection’ thanks to Sue W.
On a similar note, TTC are launching a book about their club history as part of their Centennial Celebrations. Contact them via their website if you are interested in a copy.
WTMC members are invited to join the Centennial Celebration ‘tramp’ up Mt Kaukau (apparently that was their first ever club trip!) on Sunday 30th June, along with members of other clubs from around the region.
Volunteers needed
This month’s ‘can you lend a hand?’ calls all come from the WTMC Lodge:
- Lodge bookings
We’re on the lookout for someone to take on the role of bookings officer for the amazing WTMC Lodge. Mike G is stepping down from this role having done a great job for the past couple of years (thanks Mike!). Ideally this role would be covered by a team of people so the load is spread across the season. Get in touch with one of the lodge crew if you are keen.
- (Roaming) Secretaries
The Lodge Subcommittee, led by Lodge Convenor Brian, would like some help to take the minutes at their monthly meetings. You can volunteer to do this as a one-off, or as an ongoing role – it’s up to you. Meetings are about an hour from 5:35pm on the last Wednesday of the month. You just need to know how to write – simple! This is a great way to get a sneak preview of what goes on behind-the-scenes to keep the lodge running season by season. Contact to lodge your interest.
- Weekend helpers – 5-7th April
There’s various maintenance work happening at the lodge on this weekend and the team need some support crew. No DIY skills necessary – just a willingness to help out with whatever tasks are needed. We can cover food and transport costs for helpers and getting out for a walk is a compulsory part of the weekend. Contact if you are willing and able to help.
- Trip Planning for the next schedule is being held on Wednesday 10th April. Whether you are a seasoned leader or just want to know a bit more about how all those cool trips make it onto the schedule, you should come along.
- Subs are now well overdue! If you haven’t yet paid your subs please do so asap and let know when you have done so. Equally, if you don’t intend on renewing then it really helps Jane keep records up to date if you just let her know. If you haven’t paid by 31st March then you lose your membership rights and need to pay non-member fees for trips and lodge bookings.
- Applications are still open for WTMC Scholarships. Members who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply.
My bike training paid off on The Old Ghost Road earlier in the month. I’d recommend this track to both bikers and trampers and I’m keen to go back to ride it all again. One of the many cool features of the track was a gate on this swing bridge to protect the snails from the possums on the other side of the river who have unfortunately learned they are a tasty snack! (I did close the gate after this photo was taken).

One of my other adventures this month was to the western side of Taranaki to explore this less visited part of the park. Ten of us had great fun and great views on our way up the western flanks of this beautiful mountain. You can read all about it here.
April’s on our door step and it includes both Easter and ANZAC holidays so I look forward to hearing about the extended adventures that I’m sure WTMC-ers will have planned.
WTMC President