With Aunty Rata
Seasons Greetings! If you have managed to fit reading this column in with all your Xmas parties then good on you, although possibly you need to get out more.
After a tramp, kayak, bike ride or climb everyone fancies a decent feed of kai and most of us are not adverse to a beer or three. The trick is figuring out when to stop. One technique for managing the over indulgence risk is Fat Boy Credits (FBCs).
The FBCs concept is as simple as it is unscientific. If you head into the hills for the weekend and do loads of stuff then when you return to civilisation you can, and in fact should, eat and drink what you like. This is because you have banked FBCs and your body needs recovery food. The only qualification around FBCs is that your hedonistic consumption should have an end point.
For example, if Aunty Rata does a fit weekend tramp she will eat and drink what she likes on the Sunday evening and revert to normal eating on the Monday. If she has been on a really long trip, say 1-2 weeks then she will have amassed sufficient FBCs to eat everything in sight for longer, maybe 3 or 4 days.
FBCs is a bit like listening to your body which if you let it, will usually tell you what kind of kai and drink it wants and when it has had enough.
Speaking of hedonistic consumption Aunty Rata is delighted to present you with the following dessert recipe. It requires some whipping so you will need a fork or a mini whisk. Aunty Rata’s favourite accompaniment is mini marshmallows but use whatever you like – chocolate chips, sliced pinky bars, mini meringues, or your favourite liquor all work rather well too.
Garry DeRose Cheeky Chocolate Mousse (Serves 4-6)
- 1 x 70g pkt of Rich Chocolate Mousse+ dessert mix for each 2 people
- 6tb whole milk powder* for each two people
- 100g mini marshmallows#
Prepare the mousse ahead of dinner time so it has time to set. Make up milk powder in large bowl or spare billy, (6tb = 1 c milk).* Add mousse mix.
Beat with mini whisk or fork until starts to thicken (you can share this job round to avoid oos).
Add marshmallows.
Cover mixture and set aside somewhere cool to set.
+ Hansells or Greggs
# baking section of the supermarket has these otherwise the big marshmallows can be chopped up
*usually it would be 4tb of milk powder to make 1c of milk but Garry recommends using a bit of extra milk powder to ensure a thicker mousse